Boyertown Antiques was founded in 1965 by Lois and Richard Malmberg.
The shop is situated on a magnificent Pennsylvania farm with a fully
stocked pond and wandering streams. A "full line" Antique
shop that concentrated on fine quality pieces of any era. Both Lois
and Richard loved antiques and were initially quite enamored by
fine art glass. Their business began to bloom and it became quite
evident that their love had become a full time job. Richard would
spend many hours scouring the Pennsylvania country side in search
of quality pieces. Lois would spend many hours in the shop, working
on display, advertising and educating customers as to the value
of collecting antiques.
Boyertown Antiques soon became a tradition. It became a "must
see" for all antique collectors. Fine clocks and Pennsylvania
furniture became the shops specialty. Some of the finest clocks
in Pennsylvania History have crossed the door step of Boyertown
Antiques and continue to do so today.
Current owners and second generation, Leif and Kathy Malmberg remain
dedicated to supplying only the finest quality antiques to their
collectors and dealers. Owners since 1995, the shop remains "the
place" to buy that special piece. Leif (Lois and Richard's
son) has been in the business for most of his life. Oiling, refinishing
and repairing fine furniture from a early age, was the finest "hands
on" education of the antique business that one could acquire.
Kathy has helped develop the shop into a warm friendly environment.
Her warm love for antiques is quite evident as she assists customers
much in the same tradition as Lois. Our goal is to make all our
customers happy with their purchases and to provide them with as
much knowledge as possible.
You will see from the pictures displayed here, the quality and beauty
we strive to provide for our customers. When looking for that next
"special" piece for your home, please take the time to
inspect one of the finest and largest inventories of Antiques and
accessories anywhere. Our shop hours are extensive and special
hours can be arranged by a simple phone